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Children and Young People’s Service Update

Schools & Early Help Hub Referrals: Our existing service users will be contacted to arrange telephone support in place of face to face sessions.

From today, 19th March 2020, our Children & Young People’s Safe Haven at the The Pallant Centre will be closed. We will instead be offering telephone support. If young people would like to book in for a telephone appointment from a member of the Safe Haven team:

Please TEXT your Full Name, Date of Birth and Address to 07395 482 887 between 5 – 7:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to receive a call back between 5 – 8pm the same day.

Please note: This support is only available during our normal Safe Haven opening hours (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 5 – 8pm) and this number will only be monitored during those times. We will not be able to respond outside of these hours.

Outside of these hours we encourage you to seek support from:
Telephone: ChildLine: Call 0800 1111 / Samaritans: Call 116 123 (24/7 FREE) Text: Young Minds Crisis Text Number: Text “YM” to 85258 (24/7 FREE) School Nurse ChatHealth Text 07507 332160
Online Chat: Childline / The Mix Websites:
Apps: Think Ninja, Insight Timer, Calm, MindShift, STOP, SilverCloud

Posted on: 23rd March 2020

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