Our current crisis services includes our two Safe Havens. These both provide out of hours help and support to people and their carers who are experiencing a mental health crisis or emotional distress. At the Safe Haven(s) individuals initially develop short term coping strategies, and can progress to building knowledge and understanding of other longer term support. Safe Haven(s) provide a safe and confidential space for people experiencing difficulty with their mental health or wellbeing to access immediate emotional support provided by qualified Wellbeing Practitioners. Our Young Persons Safe Haven also includes activities such as mindfulness, art & crafts and peer support. Find out more about our Safe Havens by visiting our Adult’s Safe Haven page or our Children and Young People’s Safe Haven page.
Talk to someone who is there to listen – contact the Samaritans on 116123, it’s free to phone. You can also email them on jo@samaritans.org They are open 24 hours a day all year round.
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