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Ambassadors within sport

At Havant and East Hants Mind a key part of our mission is to raise awareness and promote understanding about mental health (wellbeing, illnesses and services). The Mental Health Ambassadors Project aims to do exactly this within sports clubs across Hampshire.  

Within many sports clubs there is already an engaged community and a sense of comradery, at HEH Mind we want to build upon this to support your club members to become more confident in engaging in conversations about mental health and wellbeing. Through the project we will work with your club, team or group to increase your knowledge of mental health awareness, local wellbeing services and how to access them. We will help you identify Ambassadors within your community, providing free training specifically aimed at supporting and informing Ambassadors, as well as a free whole club basic mental health awareness session.  

As an Ambassador we ask that you periodically host awareness activities, host or support fundraising and support and signpost your club/team members to wellbeing services.   


Support your team as an ambassador for mental health by:

  • Developing an understanding of mental health  
  • Increasing your confidence when talking about mental health  
  • Challenging the stigma associated with mental health 
  • Encouraging more people to seek support without feeling judged  
  • Identifying practical steps to take care of ourselves and others  
  • Increasing confidence in accessing support services  
  • Receiving ongoing support from local Mind based in Hampshire 
  • Engaging with community awareness, education and support for mental health  

If you have any questions or would like to know more about becoming an Ambassador, please contact 

Affiliated Clubs

Accreditations & Awards

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