Like all charities a major part of our income is from donations, fundraising and bequests. All monies raised or donated are used to provide services within our local community.
You can make a Direct Donation, send us a cheque, hand in cash to the office, pay by direct debit or make a donation as you shop on line.
Donations can be by cheque. Cheques should be made payable to Havant and East Hants Mind and sent to the address below. If you have a cash donation please contact us and arrange when you can drop the money off at our offices.
If you would like to make a regular monthly donation, please request a direct debit form from the Havant office by phone or email.
Havant Mind
Leigh Park Community Centre,
Dunsbury Way,
PO9 5BG.
02392 498916
It’s easy and completely FREE to raise donations for Havant and East Hants Mind when you shop on your mobile with the easyfundraising App. Simply open the App, find the retailer you want to shop with and then shop as usual. They’ll donate to Havant and East Hants MIND when you make a purchase – at no extra cost to you! 4,000 shops and sites will donate to us in this way, so you can help us out no matter what you’re buying!
For more information about all our training courses, please click the link below.
Find out moreIf you have energy, experience and enthusiasm and want to make a difference in people's lives.
Find out moreWith your help we can make a real difference in people's lives. Make a donation today.
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