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Blue to Brew Monday

‘Blue Monday’ was the name given to the third Monday of January, said by a UK travel company in 2005 to be the most depressing day of the year. A press release from the travel company in 2005 claimed to have calculated the date using an “equation” based on weather and finance. Subsequently Scientists and Wellbeing Practitioners have dismissed the idea of this one date being the most depressing day of the year as baseless; with many mental health charities actively campaigning against the generalisations and inaccuracies of ‘Blue Monday’. 

In 2016 the national Mind charity stated “Blue Monday contributes to damaging misconceptions about depression and trivialises an illness that can be life threatening. 1 in 6 people will experience depression during their life. It can be extremely debilitating with common symptoms including inability to sleep, seeing no point in the future, feeling disconnected from other people and experiencing suicidal thoughts.”

“There is no credible evidence to suggest that one day in particular can increase the risk of people feeling depressed. There are of course certain things that may make people feel down at this time of year, such as post-Christmas financial strains, broken New Year’s resolutions, bad weather and short daylight hours. However, depression is not just a one day event.”

Since 2016 local Minds, other mental health charities, workplaces and community groups have repurposed ‘Blue Monday’ to use it as an example of the generalisations and inaccuracies that can be spread about mental health illnesses.

Brew Monday, Monday 17th January, is a great opportunity to talk and listen; with a friend, family member or colleague about how you feel and what’s going on for you. If you would like to share our wellbeing and crisis information with someone/ a group as part of your conversations; digital booklets and flyers can be requested via Information about our services can also be found by visiting  

Posted on: 17th January 2022

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