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Hampshire FA Teams Up with HEH Mind for Fortnightly Initiative

Hampshire FA together with the official charity partner of the association, Havant & East Hants Mind, will launch a fortnightly initiative aimed at posing questions in an hourly slot and inviting discussion on several topics relating to mental health.

The initiative will launch on Tuesday 8th December and will again take place on Tuesday 22nd December from 8-9pm as part of a trial run. Four questions inviting conversation from the Hampshire FA Twitter community will be scheduled and posted on the Hampshire FA channel for members to answer and engage with during the hour slot. The idea behind the initiative is to encourage community and social engagement during difficult times such as another national lockdown and particularly in the winter months, where people are most likely to suffer from season affective disorder.

The slot will finish off with a social media graphic advertising and reiterating the support available from the Havant & East Hants Mind charity together with web and social media links, signposting individuals to further seek support if they feel they require it. We hope to achieve regular social media engagement and expand options for those suffering with mental ill health, allowing the Twitter community to respond with their own ways of coping and tips for dealing with unpleasant and distressing situations whilst simultaneously encouraging personal interaction.

Hampshire FA will be present to like/retweet or respond to any enquiries on the hour slot on both Tuesdays. Anyone seeking additional help who reach out to us on the channel will be signposted at the first opportunity to the Havant & East Hants Mind charity. We openly invite suggestions to help boost this initiative and hope that together we can rely on one another for an additional helping hand where internal battles with one’s mental health can surface as a result of external pressures.

To partake in the initiative simply log on to Twitter and go onto Hampshire FA’s channel. The first question will be posted at 8pm and each question from thereon scheduled quarterly in the hour. Partake by answering each question, liking and retweeting the posts and contributing ideas to the initiative by sending Hampshire FA a PM with those suggestions.

Find out more  – Hampshire FA Teams Up with Mind for Fortnightly Initiative – Hampshire FA

“We are grateful to Havant & East Hants Mind for the support in producing these questions and inviting discussions on key topics for our members on social media. Our vision for the partnership is to continue to work closely with the charity and seek opportunities to boost community engagement and build support for our members and network who suffer with mental ill health. We hope the trial initiative is successful and we see active engagement in the hour slot from our members”. Neil Cassar, CEO of Hampshire FA.

Head of Communications & Community Engagement at Havant and East Hants Mind, Mike Lock, discussing the new initiative with Hampshire FA says:

“We are delighted to be developing opportunities to increase community engagement within and as part of our partnership with Hampshire FA. We would like to thank their Communications Team for hosting this Twitter chat and for signposting to our free to access services and training opportunities.

As we enter winter and a close to 2020, we are continuing to evolve our communication tools for local communities, workplaces and sports clubs. This has increasingly meant creating and developing online support, such as this twitter chat. If anyone would like to find out more about our support for sports clubs specifically, please contact or visit our website “. 

Posted on: 3rd December 2020

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