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Havant & East Hants Mind invited to visit Parliament.

Havant & East Hants Mind were recently invited to visit the Houses of Parliament to discuss and demonstrate their new program “Supporting Families in Havant” to a range of invited guests including MPs. The event was hosted by MPs and Sport England and took place in the “Strangers Dining Room” within the Houses of Parliament.


HEH Mind Business Development Manager Ross Borman met the head of strategy for Sport England Simon Macqueen. Ross gave positive feedback to Simon about these new strategies and processes from Sport England and how they impact upon HEH Mind’s family engagement work.


Ross also met briefly with Havant MP Mr Alan Mak who was also able to attend the event, despite a busy Parliamentary schedule.



The Lottery funded programme, led by Havant & East Hants Mind, centres on improving the well-being of families and encouraging them to take part in fun physical activity as a family group. Research has shown that physical activity leads to better health and well-being.

Studies show children require parents not only to help them to access physical activity, but also they need parents to participate so they have a role model to associate with their own long-term involvement with physical activity.

The Havant & East Hants Mind led family programme made headline news last month by attracting £324,000 for Havant. The programme will run for four years in partnership with Oarsome Chance, another small charity based in Leigh Park. They will be working with 30 families each year for up to 6 months.

The program will also partner with a range of physical activity groups and some sports clubs, training Mind Mental Health Ambassadors within each of these settings.

Ross Borman explained, “We will be working with a range of sports clubs as well as organisations such as Havant Borough Council, our local schools and other voluntary sector partners in order to maximise this opportunity for local people”.

For more information about the program and the Sport England event at Parliament please contact Ross Borman on

Posted on: 21st August 2018

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