Havant Youth Conference
During March Mike, our Community Development Officer, attended the Havant Youth Conference, which this year focused on ‘Your vote matters’ and ‘Your voice counts’. Mike spoke about how mental health is an important topic when considering local and national elections and how it is something that affects everyone.

The young people in attendance discussed what mental health is and how it includes wellbeing, stating it’s not just about illnesses. There was also discussion about stigma and worrying what people may think when talking about mental health and why this could mean people don’t talk as much about this important topic. This lead into why topics that are not spoken about are important to keep in mind if you are thinking about local representation and campaigns.

Students from secondary schools across the borough joined the Mayor of Havant, councillors and community groups for Havant Borough Council’s fifth annual Havant Youth Conference. Held at the Plaza on Friday 15 March the Havant Youth Conference aimed to get young residents inspired about issues that affect them and to teach them about their local council and councillors.
Posted on: 26th March 2019