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HEH Mind Announces New Co-CEOs: Jody Phelvin and Maria Morrell

The Senior Leadership Team and Board of Trustees at Havant and East Hants Mind is thrilled to announce the appointment of Jody Phelvin and Maria Morrell as our new Co-Chief Executive Officers. This strategic leadership transition comes as Julie Parker, our esteemed CEO of 32 years, steps down in September. Julie’s final month will be dedicated to welcoming, inducting, and seamlessly handing over responsibilities as Jody and Maria begin their new roles on Thursday 1st August 2024. 

Reflecting on this significant change, Maria and Jody expressed their enthusiasm and commitment to their new roles: 

“We are truly privileged to be announced as your Co-Chief Executives at Havant and East Hants Mind as we enter into this transition with Julie Parker who has been CEO for 32 years. Julie has built an incredible foundation of trust and respect and will be supporting us during August as we settle into our new roles. We both have professional and personal values that strongly align with this organisation and what it stands for and want to honour this in continuing to lead with kindness and compassion, ensuring the inclusive culture of the charity is promoted for its staff and volunteers and that together, we reach our maximum potential. Our dedication to better mental health and our collaborative approach to this role, with your input will mean we consistently deliver excellence and create big impact. We are so excited to start this new venture with our local communities across South and East Hampshire, staff, volunteers, service users, supporters and partners. We look forward to having more conversations with you all in our new roles over the coming weeks.” 

Julie Parker’s remarkable tenure has seen Havant and East Hants Mind grow into a trusted and respected cornerstone of the community, providing essential mental health services and support. Her leadership has fostered a strong, compassionate, and inclusive culture within the organisation, one that Jody and Maria are dedicated to continuing and enhancing. 

As Julie steps into her well-deserved retirement, her legacy will undoubtedly influence the future direction and success of Havant and East Hants Mind. “Following such a dedicated and accomplished CEO is not going to be easy. After a long and vigorous recruitment process we are delighted to have appointed Jody and Maria, who bring with them a wealth of experience and a shared vision for the charity’s mission, ensuring that the organisation continues to thrive and make a meaningful impact in the lives of those it serves.” said Richard Watts, Chair of Trustees HEH Mind.  

Julie Parker added “32 years ago, I had no intention of staying more than a year, which I felt would give me enough time to set up the foundations of the service. I started with a very small windowless office and an even smaller budget.  As there was no money for other staff, I recruited the people I came into contact within St James hospital and Parkway, today they would be called peer supporters. With this able and willing team, we started to provide a range of groups across the area, the rest is history. It is never easy to hand over a role you have committed so much to but I am pleased to say that after a robust recruitment process, we have selected Jody and Maria, in whom we have the greatest confidence.” 

We invite our community, partners, and supporters to join us in welcoming Jody and Maria to their new roles, thanking Julie for 32 years of service; and to be part of this exciting new chapter for Havant and East Hants Mind as we move towards 2025 and our 35th year of delivering mental health support and services. 

For further information, please contact: 

Mike Craft, Head of Community and Communications –  

Posted on: 25th July 2024

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