International Men’s Day
We are sharing awareness this #InternationalMensDay as we support the men in our community.
In the UK, the theme and focus remains on how we can make a difference to men and boys, and, how we can give men and boys better life chances by addressing some of the issues that affect men and boys such as:
- The high male suicide rate
- The challenges faced by boys and men at all stages of education including attainment
- Men’s health (including male cancers), shorter life expectancy and workplace deaths
- The challenges faced by the most marginalised men and boys in society (for instance, homeless men, boys in care and the high rate of male deaths in custody)
- Male victims of violence, including sexual violence
- The challenges faced by men as parents, particularly new fathers and separated fathers
- Male victims and survivors of sexual abuse, rape, sexual exploitation, domestic abuse, forced marriage, honour-based crime, stalking and slavery
- The negative portrayal of men, boys and fathers

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#IMD18 #MensHealth #WorkplaceWellbeing
Posted on: 19th November 2018