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Wellbeing Days and Events

A great way of raising awareness and building support for workplace wellbeing initiatives is to offer our very affordable events and wellbeing days.

We have found this hugely boosts staff support and grass roots support for wellbeing initiatives.

This can be a kick start, a way point marker or even a celebration.



In all cases we will talk about

  • Our work and the free support available to staff and their families from HEH Mind and within our community partners.
  • We can also outline any “in house” support you offer and the value of seeking help early
  • We can talk about lived experience of Mental Health illness and poor wellbeing and recovery
  • Combat stigma and deliver myth busting activities
  • Share signposting information and resources
  • Offer tater of services and opportunities to get involved in fundraising

Prices and Contact

  • We offer flexible pricing based on size and sector as well as size of purchase. In some cases there will be no charge for this service.
  • For more information or to request a quote for this training please contact by phone 07824 632148 or email

Accreditations & Awards

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